So, what's TWM all about then, eh?

TWM provides the basis for highly configurable two-way matching websites where users control their own match results.

TWM's Main Features

  1. Matches are two-way. This means matching both what you are ("My-Me" data) to what someone else seeks ("Your-You"), and what you seek ("My-You") to what someone else is ("Your-Me"). Some examples of websites where two-way matching would be very useful are: jobs, dating and interest groups.
  2. The type of data TWM allows users to enter is highly configurable. After TWM administrators create a hierarchy of categories, items and and values. An example relevant to a jobs website is:
    • Category: "Education"
    • Item: "Highest level achieved"
    • Values: "PhD", "Master's", "Bachelor's", "High School", "GCE", "LycĂ©e", etc.
    An example relevant to a dating website is:
    • Category: "Physical characteristics"
    • Item: "Eye color"
    • Values: "Blue", "Brown", "Hazel", etc.
    TWM users may enter value(s) for items - for themselves and/or for those they seek. Entering values is always optional!
  3. Because users specify how important each (Your-You) item value is to them, users control how their matches are calculated.
  4. TWM has features that support easily adding and maintaining additional languages for TWM websites.

Communities, Administrators and Translators

  1. The hope is that a TWM community will form for each website and some of those people will volunteer to be administrators and/or translators.
  2. TWM provides web pages where administrators for a particular website can:
    • Maintain the hierarchy of categories, items and values (the "metadata") for that website.
    • Maintain locales (languages), administrator authorizations, item triggers, units (of measure) for numerical items, etc.
    See the online administrator help for further information.
  3. Simply and quickly add and maintain additional languages. Machine-generated translations can be used as a start, but better translations will result if a native speaker tweaks them.

Other Stuff

  1. TWM is prototype, not a product.
  2. For now, please do not enter any personal data. Please enter only fictitious information.
  3. TWM has not yet made any attempt to comply with any data protection/privacy legislation (e.g., GDPR). But that shouldn't matter at this stage, because only fictitious test information should be entered while TWM is a prototype.
  4. At present, there are two example websites ("dating" and "jobs") hosted on single AWS instance with a single node Cassandra "cluster" and a web server. Please note: this is the frontend only! (There is currently no backend server installed!) This means users can enter data, administrators can administer, translators can translate content, but no new matching results can be calculated - for now.
  5. Check out some amateurish, yet hopefully informative YouTube videos that show some TWM features. (Note: TWM websites can be used with any size screen, but these YouTube videos are best viewed on a larger screen.)
  6. The TWM example websites, which are only up when someone wants to use them, are: These websites will be started upon request - please contact TWM by emailing TWM contact image missing if the website(s) are down.
  7. It seems inescapably inevitable that robust differences of opinion will emerge about the configuration of particular TWM websites. TWM will assiduously avoid taking part in heated discussions about what configuration is appropriate.
  8. See the TWM Fine Print page for more details.

Technology - TWM is a "LACP" website

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